Home > Donations

Please join the Kerkula Foundation in helping the children and youth of Liberia have access to Education, Vocational Training and Quality Health Services.

You can send a donation through your smart phone by using the Sendwave Application. Go to the App Store on your phone and search Sendwave. Once you find it, download the application. Once you have application on your phone, open the app and follow these steps: https://www.sendwave.com/

  1. Add a new recipient
  2. Country: Liberia
  3. Name: Matthew Kerkula
  4. Mobile Number: 88 855 5221
  5. Fill in your personal information: Name, Email, Phone Number
  6. Fill in payment information: Debit Card #, Expiration, Security Code, Street Address, Zip Code, City, State

Now you are ready to send money to the Kerkula Foundation to help the less fortunate and orphan children of Africa.

Thank you & God Bless!